Udhyana Bandha | Yoga For Beginners

2016-01-07 2

Uddiyana Bandha stimulates and lifts the energy of the lower belly (apana vayu), to unite it with the energies localized in the navel (samana vayu) and heart (prana vayu).

Feet standing shoulder distance apart torso bends over with hands pressuring down on thigh tops to facilitate control & direction of ab movement begun AFTER FORCEFUL EXHALATION BREATH *empty lungs* is contained & BELLY SUCKS IN & UP INTO RIBS..trying to make yourself as SKINNY as possible.

tips for beginners:

1) always practice on EMPTY STOMACH. ALWAYS done on EXHALE breath.

2) TRY to RELAX BELLY & EXPAND RIBCASE after first forceful exhalation and before 'mimic action' AS IF YOU WERE INHALING to draw belly IN AND UP into ribs.

3) maintain pressure by THROAT LOCK to chin and ABDOMINAL LOCK (uddiyana bandha) to 'cork the bottle' keeping energy from leaking.

4) 'pop the cork' just prior to releasing the lock by sipping tiny air in to prevent coughing.

Uddiyana Bandha is great at the beginning of a yoga practice to help wake up the lower belly / core strength, or to specifically develop lower belly strength to support the lower back, neck and shoulders.